Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

Modules for Exchange students
Good morning

Programme offer form exchange students 2024-2025

This form lists all the courses and programmes that exchange students can enroll in at Maastricht University Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences. Once you have enrolled yourself we will get back to you as soon as possible with more detailed information about how the education will take place.

All our courses are taught in English. Therefore, please be aware that proficiency in English is required (at least B2 level).

During the introduction days we organize an introduction into PBL. The introduction into PBL is obliged. Without participation you are not allowed to start with your study-program.

Most Bachelor courses that we offer are part of a programme; only in some occasions, we offer separate courses. Courses in a programme should be followed in chronological order, meaning that you start with the first course and then work your way down. This rule does apply for the courses of the Biology and Health Track, EPH and Master courses.

It is not posible to follow two courses in the same period.

Deadline for application:

  • Autumn semester: 15-06-2024
  • Spring semester: 15-11-2024
  • Please note: Carnival Holiday: 03-03-2025 / 07-03-2025 no teaching takes place

Bachelor Health Sciences Programmes

Biology and Health Programme
Introduction days: 30-01-2025 and 31-01-2025 (mandatory)
BGZ2024Food for Life10-2-20254-4-20259
BGZ2241Narrative Review BGZ10-2-20254-7-20253
BGZ2025Use It or Lose It7-4-20256-6-202510
BGZ2026The Basic Principles of Pharmacology9-6-20254-7-20255
Policy, Management and Evaluation of Care Programme
Introduction days: 30-01-2024 and 31-01-2025 (mandatory)
BMZ2024Improving Quality of Care10-2-20254-4-202510
BMZ2025Entrepreneurial Management in Healthcare7-4-20256-6-202511
BMZ2026Implementing Innovations in Healthcare9-6-20254-7-20256
Prevention and Health Programme
Introduction days: 30-01-2024 and 31-01-2025 (mandatory)
PGZ2024Disease and Prevention10-2-20254-4-20259
PGZ2224Practical Skills Disease and Prevention10-2-20254-4-20251
PGZ2025Public Health Policy: General Principles Applied to Local Settings7-4-20256-6-202510
PGZ2225Practical Skills Public Health Policy: General Principles Applied to Local Settings7-4-20256-6-20251
PGZ2026Public Health in International Context9-6-20254-7-20255
PGZ2226Practical Skills Public Health in International Context9-6-20254-7-20251
Minor / Separate courses
GZW3015Health Justice6-1-202531-1-20256
GZW2224The Moral Compass of Contemporary Health Researchers and Professionals3-2-20257-2-20252
GZW2225(International Classroom): Sapere Aude7-4-202511-4-20251

Bachelor Biomedical Sciences Programmes

Year 3 courses / seperate courses
Introduction day: to be announced (mandatory)
BBS3013Diet, Nutrition and Health2-9-202425-10-202412
BBS3014Immune Responses in Health and Disease2-9-202425-10-202412
BBS3015Neurosciences and Control2-9-202425-10-202412
BBS3016Pharmacological Interventions2-9-202425-10-202412
BBS3023Physical Activity and Health28-10-202420-12-202412
BBS3024Infection and Immunity28-10-202420-12-202412
BBS3025Omics Technologies and Their Analysis28-10-202420-12-202412
BBS3026Environmental Sustainability and Human Health28-10-202420-12-202412
BBS3003Critical Review of a Biomedical Intervention6-1-202531-1-20256

Bachelor European Public Health

Fall Semester: 02-09-2024 / 31-01-2025 - Courses Year 1
Always start with the first course and then work your way down.
Introduction days: to be announced (mandatory), between 26-08-2024 and 30-08-2024.
EPH1021Health, Health Determinants and the European Union2-9-202425-10-20249
EPH1221Epidemiology/Methodology/Policy Advocacy/Statistics 12-9-202425-10-20242
EPH1241Philosophy of Public Health part 12-9-202422-12-20242
EPH1022Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases in the EU and WHO-EURO28-10-202420-12-20249
EPH1222Epidemiology/Methodology/Policy Advocacy/Statistics 228-10-202420-12-20242
EPH1027Introduction to Academic Writing and Year 1 Paper6-1-202531-1-20256
Spring Semester: 03-02-2025 / 04-07-2025 - Courses Year 1
Always start with the first course and then work your way down.
Introduction days: 30-01-2025 and 31-01-2025 (mandatory)
EPH1024Healthy Environments and Sustainability in the EU3-2-20254-4-20259
EPH1224Epidemiology/Methodology/Policy Advocacy/Statistics 33-2-20254-4-20252
EPH1243Philosophy of Public Health part 23-2-20254-4-20252
EPH1025Health-Technological Innovation and EU Competencies7-4-20256-6-20259
EPH1225Epidemiology/Methodology/Policy Advocacy/Statistics 47-4-20256-6-20252
EPH1026Introduction to Statistical Methods for Data Analysis9-6-20254-7-20256
Fall Semester: 02-09-2024 / 31-01-2025 - Courses Year 2
Always start with the first course and then work your way down.
Introduction days: to be announced (mandatory), between 26-08-2024 and 30-08-2024.
EPH2021Demography, Epidemiology of Ageing, and Migration in the EU2-9-202425-10-20249
EPH2221Epidemiology/Methodology/Policy Advocacy/Statistics 52-9-202425-10-20242
EPH2241Philosophy of Public Health SCL2-9-202422-12-20242
EPH2022Lifestyle, Work and Health in the EU28-10-202420-12-20248
EPH2222Epidemiology/Methodology/Policy Advocacy/Statistics 628-10-202420-12-20242
EPH2322Excursion to Central and Eastern Europe28-10-202420-12-20241
EPH2023Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods6-1-202531-1-20253
EPH2242Year 2 Paper6-1-202531-1-20253
Fall Semester: 02-09-2024 / 31-01-2025 - Courses Year 3
Always start with the first course and then work your way down.
Introduction days: to be announced (mandatory), between 26-08-2024 and 30-08-2024.
EPH3021(Public) Health Care Systems in the EU2-9-202425-10-20249
EPH3221Epidemiology/Methodology/Policy Advocacy/Statistics 72-9-202425-10-20242
EPH3022Health Policies at EU Level and Global Health Europe28-10-202420-12-20249
EPH3222Epidemiology/Methodology/Policy Advocacy/Statistics 828-10-202420-12-20242
EPH3241Philosophy of Public Health part 428-10-202420-12-20242

Bachelor Medical Programmes

Electives in year 2
Deadline for applications is 2 months prior to the start of the courses
Limited number of places available / On Request
GEN2304European and International Health Law6-1-202531-1-20254
GEN2305Fundamentals of Neuroscience6-1-202531-1-20254
GEN2307Exercise Physiology6-1-202531-1-20254
GEN2608Infectious Diseases9-6-20254-7-20254
GEN2614Translational Neuroscience9-6-20254-7-20254
GEN2316Gender and Diversity in Medicine9-6-20254-7-20254

Master students Biomedical Sciences, European Public Health and Health Sciences

Biomedical Sciences Programme / Programme is on request
Introduction days: to be announced (mandatory), between 26-08-2024 and 30-08-2024.
MBS1001Biomedical Challenges2-9-202425-10-202410
MBS1002Biomedical Approaches28-10-202420-12-202410
Governance and Leadership in European Public Health Programme
Introduction days: to be announced (mandatory), between 26-08-2024 and 30-08-2024.
Courses in a programme should be followed in chronological order
EPH4014Introduction to Governance and Leadership in European Public Health2-9-202425-10-20245
EPH4012Measuring and Comparing Health in Europe – Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches2-9-202425-10-20245
EPH4016Public Health Leadership Strand2-9-202422-12-20246
EPH4003Identifying and Assessing Good and Best Practices in Health28-10-202420-12-20245
EPH4004Europe as one Zone - European Health Law & Policies: The Translation of Evidence into Norms28-10-202420-12-20245
HPI4005Research Methods6-1-202531-1-20256
EPH4013Diffusion, Implementation and Quality Assurance of Health Innovations in Europe3-2-20254-4-20255
Health Education and Promotion Programme
Introduction days: to be announced (mandatory), between 26-08-2024 and 30-08-2024.
Courses in a programme should be followed in chronological order
HEP4210Understanding Health Behaviour2-9-202425-10-20246
HEP4211Changing Health Behaviour2-9-202425-10-20246
HEP4217Reviewing Evidence for Health Promotion Practice28-10-202420-12-20246
HEP4213Intervention Development28-10-202420-12-20246
Human Movement Sciences Programme / Health and Rehabilitation
Introduction days: to be announced (mandatory), between 26-08-2024 and 30-08-2024.
Courses in a programme should be followed in chronological order
HMS4501Imaging Muscle Health2-9-202425-10-20246
HMS4502Physical Activity and Health2-9-202425-10-20246
HMS4503Analysis and Restoration of Human Locomotion28-10-202420-12-20246
HMS4504Movement Disorders and Rehabilitation28-10-202420-12-20246
Human Movement Sciences Programme / Sports and Nutrition
Introduction days: to be announced (mandatory), between 26-08-2024 and 30-08-2024.
Courses in a programme should be followed in chronological order
HMS4601Nutrition to Fuel Sports Performance2-9-202425-10-20246
HMS4602Sports Supplements and Ergogenic Aids2-9-202425-10-20246
HMS4603Nutrition to Support Training Adaptations28-10-202420-12-20246
HMS4604Sports and Nutrition: Putting Science into Practice28-10-202420-12-20246
Introduction days: to be announced (mandatory), between 26-08-2024 and 30-08-2024.
Courses in a programme should be followed in chronological order
EPI4920Introduction to Epidemiology2-9-20246-9-20241
EPI4921Observational Research9-9-202425-10-20246
EPI4922Intervention Research in Health Care9-9-202425-10-20245
EPI4923Advanced Statistical Analysis Techniques28-10-202420-12-20246
Occupational Health and Sustainable Work
Introduction days: to be announced (mandatory), between 26-08-2024 and 30-08-2024.
Courses in a programme should be followed in chronological order
OHS4001Determinants of Health and Labour Participation2-9-202425-10-20246
OHS4004Health and Labour Participation: Past, Present and Future2-9-202425-10-20245
OHS4104Introduction to Occupational Health Research2-9-202425-10-20241
OHS4002Strategies for Health Protection; Disease Prevention and Re-integration into Work28-10-202420-12-20246
HEP4213Intervention Development28-10-202420-12-20246

Master Medicine orientation clinical electives (on request, only for students from partner universities)

  • Deadline for applications is 5 months prior to the start of the programme.
  • Orientation electives are on individual request. Departments decide whether a student is accepted or not, however all requests for a placement have to go through the International Relations Office. There are no fixed places available. Please mention a 2nd and 3rd choice, in case your 1st choice cannot be met because of capacity problems.
  • Minimum period is 4 weeks, maximum duration is 6 weeks.

I would like to participate in the following orientation clinical elective(s). Always starting on a Monday:
Period: from to 
1st choice
2nd choice
3rd choice
Period: from to 
1st choice
2nd choice
3rd choice
Period: from to 
1st choice
2nd choice
3rd choice

Master Research electives (on request, only for students from partner universities)

The most successful approach is to involve the students in ongoing research at our institution, and to attach the student to one of our staff members who is willing to coach a student performing a tiny element of his research project under close supervision.

General characteristics
The primary aim of a research elective is to become acquainted with and to take part in research relevant to medicine. It is therefore important that during the research elective the students are involved in the different stages of research, including:
  • Formulating a research question.
  • Designing appropriate research methods.
  • Processing and analysing research data; and
  • Critically evaluating these data in the light of the pertinent international literature.

The requests for research electives take place on an individual basis
  • Deadline for application is 5 months prior to the start of the programme.
  • Departments decide whether a student is accepted or not, however all requests for an elective have to go through the International Relations Office. There are no fixed places available.
  • Minimum period is 8 weeks.

I would like to participate in the following research elective(s). (mention the subject):
Period: from to 
1st choice
2nd choice
3rd choice
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