Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

Module Information
Good afternoon
HMS4602  - Sports Supplements and Ergogenic Aids

Period 1: from 4-9-2023 to 27-10-2023
Coordinator: Trommelen, J.
ECTS credits: 6
Language of instruction: English

Publication dates timetable/results in the Student Portal

Deadline publication timetable
The date on which the timetable of this module is available: 18-8-2023

Deadline publication final result
The date on which the final grade of this module is available: 17-11-2023

Resit booking

Exam booking for a test in current academic year (resit)
You will be booked automatically for the resit in one of our resit periods. You may check our calenders to find out which modules can be retaken and when: https://intranet.maastrichtuniversity.nl/nl/fhml-studenten/studieverloop/wanneer-wat
As of one week before the resit test takes place, you can check in Student Portal if you are booked correctly: Student Portal > My Courses > More actions. The test will also be visible in your time table.

Exam booking for a test from a previous academic year (exam only)
All students who have not passed the test for this module in a previous academic year, will be booked automatically for the test during the regular block period. You will be enrolled in the new course in Canvas but not scheduled for a tutorial group and other educational activities. If you do not wish to participate in this test at the end of the regular block period please de-register via askFHML.

Resit date: 15-2-2024

Though great care has been taken to assure the accuracy of the information on fhmlweb, the FHML cannot be held responsible for possible printing errors, incomplete information, or misinterpretations. Additionally, the FHML reserves the right to make changes to this information.

Course information

Description: EN:
In the field of Sports and Nutrition, much attention is devoted to the potential of specific foods or substances to boost performance. While most academics and well-educated sport dieticians would agree that these substances should only be discussed when proper ‘normal’ nutrition is first optimized, they do represent an important topic within the field,both from a scientific and from a practical point of view. As an example, the finding that nitrate intake results in a reduction in the oxygen consumption during submaximal exercise has quickly elicited a widespread research effort into the potential ergogenic and health promoting effects of dietary nitrate supplementation. At the same time (long before evidence-based recommendations were available) a huge number of athletes started to adopt nitrate supplementation into their daily routine. Therefore, the central theme in this course is “supplements and nutraceuticals that have possible ergogenic effects”. What is available, what is the evidence, what works, how and when, and –not trivial- what does not work? The course contains three cases which will discuss various supplements. During the practicals, various different performance measures will beintroduced and practiced, and within a project team, students will address the use of these measures in relation to a specific supplement of their choice. Topics that will be addressed include nitrate, creatine, carnitine, buffers (sodium bicarbonate), and ketones, but also vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants will be touched upon.
Goals: EN:
Knowledge and understandingAt the end of the course the students should have knowledge of:- The proposed mechanism of action and ergogenic effectiveness of the most popular sport supplement, including carnitine, creatine, sodium bicarbonate, and nitrate. The pros and cons (including limitations) of physiological tests commonly used to assess functional performance in a sport-specific context.  - How to determine and interpret validity and (test-retest) reliability of such physiological tests. Applying knowledge and understandingAt the end of the course, students should be capable of applying the above-mentioned knowledge: - Conduct nutritional interventions and assess efficacy for sports performance enhancement. - Provide evidence-based recommendations on the use of carnitine, creatine, sodium bicarbonate, and nitrate in relation to specific sport disciplines. Making judgementsAt the end of the course the student should be capable of:- Critically evaluating nutritional intervention programs to improve sports performance and judge the quality of measurements and instruments used. - Identifying opportunities to improve sports performance through sport supplements and ergogenic aids. CommunicationAt the end of the course the student should be able to:- Present a study plan to evaluate the efficacy of sport supplements. - Write a science-based factsheet for laymen. - Effectively and professionally communicate in project and tutorial groups Learning skillsAt the end of the course the student should be capable of:- Critically evaluating the design of experiments/testing (research methods and design) - Independently studying international literature related to human movement performance and sport supplements.
Key words: EN:
sport supplements, ergogenic, performance enhancement
Literature: This is the link to Keylinks, our online reference list.  
Teaching methods:
  • Assignment(s)
  • Work in workgroup(s)
  • Lecture(s)
  • Paper(s)
  • Problem Based Learning
  • Presentation(s)
  • Research
  • Skills
Assessments methods:
  • Assignment
  • Attendance
  • Computertest
  • Participaion
  • Presentation

This page was last modified on:1-6-2023
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