Understanding Health Behaviour
Period 1: from 4-9-2023 to 27-10-2023
Crutzen, R.
ECTS credits:
Language of instruction:
Publication dates timetable/results in the Student Portal
Deadline publication timetable
The date on which the timetable of this module is available:
Deadline publication final result
The date on which the final grade of this module is available: 17-11-2023
Resit booking
Exam booking for a test in current academic year (resit)
You will be booked automatically for the resit in one of our resit periods. You may check our calenders to find out which modules can be retaken and when: https://intranet.maastrichtuniversity.nl/nl/fhml-studenten/studieverloop/wanneer-wat
As of one week before the resit test takes place, you can check in Student Portal if you are booked correctly: Student Portal > My Courses > More actions. The test will also be visible in your time table.
Exam booking for a test from a previous academic year (exam only)
All students who have not passed the test for this module in a previous academic year, will be booked automatically for the test during the regular block period. You will be enrolled in the new course in Canvas but not scheduled for a tutorial group and other educational activities.
If you do not wish to participate in this test at the end of the regular block period please de-register via askFHML.
Resit date: 15-2-2024
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Course information
EN: In this module we will discuss important determinants that influence the adoption of healthy and unhealthy behaviours. We will have a look at important individual-level determinants as well as environmental-level determinants and discuss theories concerning these determinants to better understand health behaviour. In a separate training we will focus on skills to apply these theories in practice. Students will learn how to develop questions to assess determinants of health behaviour, how to analyse qualitative data and to report these findings. The module will be assessed with an individual written exam and a group paper.
EN: The general aim of this module is to analyse and critically discuss the determinants of health behaviour derived from theories that are commonly used to explain health behaviour. This is essential not only for understanding motives why people adopt certain health behaviours, but also to understand which specific steps are required in order to be able to move to the next step: programme development in order to motivate people and actors in their environment to change the conditions favouring a more healthy lifestyle and healthier conditions.
Key words:
EN: Health behaviour, determinants, cognitions, automaticity, environment, theory
This is the link to Keylinks, our online reference list.
Teaching methods:
- Assignment(s)
- Work in workgroup(s)
- Lecture(s)
- Paper(s)
- Problem Based Learning
- Presentation(s)
- Training(s)
Assessments methods:
This page was last modified on:5-4-2024