Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

Module Information
Good afternoon
EPH4016  - Public Health Leadership Strand

Period 1: from 4-9-2023 to 27-10-2023
Coordinator: Czabanowska, Kasia
ECTS credits: 6
Language of instruction: English

Publication dates timetable/results in the Student Portal

Deadline publication timetable
The date on which the timetable of this module is available: 18-8-2023

Deadline publication final result
The date on which the final grade of this module is available: 17-11-2023

Resit booking

Exam booking for a test in current academic year (resit)
You will be booked automatically for the resit in one of our resit periods. You may check our calenders to find out which modules can be retaken and when: https://intranet.maastrichtuniversity.nl/nl/fhml-studenten/studieverloop/wanneer-wat
As of one week before the resit test takes place, you can check in Student Portal if you are booked correctly: Student Portal > My Courses > More actions. The test will also be visible in your time table.

Exam booking for a test from a previous academic year (exam only)
All students who have not passed the test for this module in a previous academic year, will be booked automatically for the test during the regular block period. You will be enrolled in the new course in Canvas but not scheduled for a tutorial group and other educational activities. If you do not wish to participate in this test at the end of the regular block period please de-register via askFHML.

Resit date: 16-2-2024

Though great care has been taken to assure the accuracy of the information on fhmlweb, the FHML cannot be held responsible for possible printing errors, incomplete information, or misinterpretations. Additionally, the FHML reserves the right to make changes to this information.

Course information

Description: EN:

The importance of understanding leadership as part of achieving Public Health goals is critical to reducing inequality and improving health. However the rapidly changing environment and huge variations in available health resources makes leadership in Public Health a complex and constantly evolving issue. It is important for those of us in Public Health, or entering Public Health roles for the first time, to have some understanding of leadership as it relates to our chosen field of work.

This Module aims to introduce you to and help you to develop leadership competencies through the following.

  • Examining the key debates around Leadership in Public Health in relationship to modernism, postmodernism, technological change and their implications for leaders within organisations.

  • Introducing key theoretical frameworks that underpin leadership learning, and enable the critical use of this knowledge and understanding by applying theory to actual practice within the context of Public Health.

  • Developing the ability to reflect on the Public Health leadership role and development needs of individuals, so that personal and professional development planning for a leadership role is built upon sound analysis of self in context.

  • Stimulating self-assessment of leadership competencies by the participants to help identify knowledge gaps and further training needs in leadership.

Goals: EN:

By engaging successfully with this module you will be able to:

  1. Understand the key concepts of Leadership theory and the key differences between Management and Leadership, and their relevance to Public Health practice.

  2. Critically reflect on your own job role in the light of leadership theory, review your professional and personal development as a Public Health leader throughout the module, and develop a Personal Development Plan (PDP) with reference to your organisational context.

  3. Critically analyse the complexities of leading and motivating people in the Public Health arena, where one is predominantly working with multiple stakeholders.

  4. Critically evaluate the impact of all the above-mentioned outcomes on the management practice of Public Health professionals, in terms of both discourse and practice.

  5. Apply relevant concepts of leadership to future or current professional workplace.

Key words: EN:
Public health leadership, leadership theories, emotional intelligence, professionalism, collaboration and personal development plan.
Literature: This is the link to Keylinks, our online reference list.  
Teaching methods:
  • Assignment(s)
  • Work in workgroup(s)
  • Lecture(s)
  • Presentation(s)
  • Training(s)
Assessments methods:
  • Assignment
  • Attendance
  • Participaion
  • Portfolio
  • Presentation
  • Written exam

This page was last modified on:15-5-2017
No rights can be derived from data in this information system.       © 2025 J. van Emmerik