Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

Module Information
Good afternoon
BGZ2241  - Narrative Review BGZ

Period 4: from 19-2-2024 to 5-7-2024
Coordinator: Langie, S.
ECTS credits: 3
Language of instruction: English

Publication dates timetable/results in the Student Portal

Deadline publication timetable
The date on which the timetable of this module is available: 19-1-2024

Deadline publication final result
The date on which the final grade of this module is available: 26-7-2024

Resit booking

Exam booking for a test in current academic year (resit)
You will be booked automatically for the resit in one of our resit periods. You may check our calenders to find out which modules can be retaken and when: https://intranet.maastrichtuniversity.nl/nl/fhml-studenten/studieverloop/wanneer-wat
As of one week before the resit test takes place, you can check in Student Portal if you are booked correctly: Student Portal > My Courses > More actions. The test will also be visible in your time table.

Exam booking for a test from a previous academic year (exam only)
All students who have not passed the test for this module in a previous academic year, will be booked automatically for the test during the regular block period. You will be enrolled in the new course in Canvas but not scheduled for a tutorial group and other educational activities. If you do not wish to participate in this test at the end of the regular block period please de-register via askFHML.

Though great care has been taken to assure the accuracy of the information on fhmlweb, the FHML cannot be held responsible for possible printing errors, incomplete information, or misinterpretations. Additionally, the FHML reserves the right to make changes to this information.

Course information

Description: EN:

In the bachelor Health Sciences, the students study a broad variety of topics to reach a general understanding on many aspects of health. This way, they discover which topics they find interesting, and that should help in making the right choices in the rest of their career. The downside of offering a broad selection of topics is that it is impossible to reach deep understanding on all these topics. Deep understanding means that the student can understand state-of-the-art studies on a specific topic, and can see the implications of that research. This information cannot be found in regular textbooks, since the research presented in these books is often already more than 5 years old. Therefore, we designed a parallel module, which aims to give students the opportunity to investigate a topic in depth. To investigate a topic thoroughly, the student needs time and expert guidance, because in-depth guidance is only possible if the instructor is a specialist in the field. So, we designed journal clubs and a writing assignment, covering a whole semester, where you are guided by fellow students and an expert in the field.

During the second semester of the ‘Biology and Health’ track, the students meet in tutorial groups every two weeks, under supervision of an expert tutor. During period 4 the students can first acquire a deeper understanding in the topic of their choice by means of journal clubs. During period 5 and 6, each student individually writes a narrative review. All students within a tutorial group write on the same topic and that topic fits to the expertise of the expert. Likewise, the students can best reflect on their own work if the other students in the group work on the same topic. However, although everybody writes on the same topic, each student should write his or her own review. All members of the group should become experts on the topic. They should be able to judge their own work and that of others and lift the knowledge of the whole group to a higher level. Experience has taught us that we should not be afraid that the produced work is too similar. If ten students start investigating and writing, each will end up with a unique product.

Additionally, an English Writing Course is incorporated in the Narrative Review Training. In one lecture and two tutorial meetings experts from the Language Centre will help the students to improve their English writing skills. They will also provide feedback on the draft versions of the narrative review. 


Goals: EN:

To investigate the scientific literature to such an extent that gaps in our knowledge can be identified and new hypotheses can be formulated, and to describe this in a manuscript that adequately summarizes the literature.

    1. Getting familiar with biomedical publications and literature searches

    2. Understanding and analyzing biomedical publications

    3. Learn to write a scientific literature review

    4. To improve writing in (scientific) English language

Key words: EN:
Narrative review Expert guidance state-of-the-art critical reading
Literature: This is the link to Keylinks, our online reference list.  
Teaching methods:
  • Work in workgroup(s)
  • Lecture(s)
  • Paper(s)
  • Problem Based Learning
  • Presentation(s)
  • Research
  • Training(s)
Assessments methods:
  • Assignment
  • Attendance
  • Final paper
  • Participaion

This page was last modified on:1-5-2024
No rights can be derived from data in this information system.       © 2025 J. van Emmerik